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The Bibble is God’s Word :

We agree with the Bible as God’s Word constituated with two principal parts. The Old and the New Testament written by People under divine insipiration.In these writings,we read the foundation of our faith a Jesus Christ like that the great commission given by Jesus to his disciples Acts 4 :11-12 ;Mat 28 :19-20

God our Father:

We believe in God the father Almighty Creator of heaven and earth. His holiness is perfect, his Omnoscience and Omnipotence are unmeasurable.He is a God of mercy, he hears and grants to our prayer.Whoever believe in God through Jesus Christ has overcame sin and death. We believe in one and only God who has been manifested in Holy Trinity.God the father of universe, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. All of them are Co-equal in their divinity but have different attributions one from other in redemption work John 4 :24 ;Ps 147 :5 ;He 3 :4 ; Rev 4 :8 ; John 5 :7 ;1p1 :2 and John15 :26.

Jesus Christ

We believe in Jesus Christ only son our Lord,who was conceived by the Holy Spirit ,born of the virigin Mary Jesus never sined in His life, He can deliver us from the sins, throught His death He is coming the savior of the world. We believe the Jesus was suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead and buried; he descended into the grave; the third day He rose again from the dead. He ascended into heaven and sitted on the right hand of God, the father Almighty, from there, He shall come to judge the alive and the dead, and His reign shall not take its end Mat 1 :18 ;Heb 5 :8-9 ;John 3 :16 ;Acts 2 :22-24,Rev 11 :15.

The holy Sprit :

We beleive in the divinity of the Holy Spirit,sent from God our Father to convict the world of guilt,in regard to sin and righteousness and judgement .The Holy Spirity is the great teacher per execellence of the divine book.It testifies with our Spirit that we are God’s Children,ready to produce fruits worthy to faith in Christian’s life and glorify Jesus Christ by praising Him. The man is born again by Holy Spirit ,it is the counsellor of Christians ,He distributes gifts to fulfill good deeds and exercise defferent ministries within the Chruch .John 15:26; 16:7-14; Rom 8:13-16; Gal 5:22-25:1Cor12:8-11.

The Human’s nature:

The first man wasn’t created in sinful nature only he could obey God’s law.Afterward he has fallen by contravaning the law and was separated from the glory of God. Because of sin Till now,the life and the human nature is sinful. For this reason, people were under dominion and condamnation but those who have accepted Jesus-Christ as their savior are delivered from the sinful nature subject to death.Ge.3 ; Rom 3 :10-11 5 :12 ;6 :23


Salvation is exclusively the work from Jesus Christ only. All those who confess their sins by accepting Jesus as their personal savior acepted to salvation.Whoever receives salvation changes his life even in this world of sin and has eternal life. We confirm that whoever rejects salvation will be condmned and punished at the end of time, and Judged for eternal fire.John 12 ;Acts 4 :12 ;John 3 :16 ;Rev 20 :1-10

The Church

The Church of God is alive.God Jave to Jesus the power to be the head of the Church.The church is called the body of Christ or God’s family.It is an assacition of members born again by the power of the Holy Spirit and accede to the spiritual gifts.Paradise and other are still living in the body and are waiting resurrection of saints for the rupture of the church .Those who will be caught up are knownby God. we accept that any local church is a part of the church of God which is the body of Christ.

That is why all believers have task :

1. To meet for prayer in common agreement dedicated to God

2. Proclaim the God Gospel of Salvation in Jesus.

3. Fulfill good deeds as for as possible

4. We believe in Spiritual gifts (prophecy,tongues)

The church must experiment the miracles to testify God’s presence : Baptism and the Lord’s Supper as sacraments


The Baptism

The Baptism is only reserved to believers.It is the symbol of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ ;The Immersion in the name of the father and Son and Holy Spirit.This is the Testimony of our faith in Jesus Christ who died because of our sins,buried and raised up from the deah to life the third day. Every believer must be baptised before being member of the body of Christ which is the church to participate to Lord’s supper : 1Cor 11 :23 ; Mat 28 :10-20 ; Mark 16 ; Acts 2 :38 ; Rom 6 :3

The Lord’s supper :

We are in agreement of the Lord’s supper which is done in memory of sufferings and death of Jesus,at the cross,the cup symbolize the blood of Jesus breaking the bread symbolizes the body of Jesus crucified because of our sins.Members of the church meet for administering of the Lord’s supper permanenthy up to the second coming of Jesus Mat 26 :26-29,Luke 22 :19-20 ;1 Cor 10 :16-17 ;11 :23-30.

The Unity of the Church

The church is single, alive and universal on the earth,one Lord Jesus Christ,the chief and head of the body.Jesus is the beginning and the end of the church. The church meets to establish elders and deacons to exercise their tasks according to the capacity of each one .All members of the church must work in common for the glory of God. Eph 4 :3-6 ; 5 :23 ;25-27 ;1p2 :9 ;Acts 4 :19-20 ;1Cor 12 :13

The church and state Governement

The members of the church must be submitted to state is order where this one exercise its activities .The church intercedes in favour of the government as God’s work says .The gorvernment is an insititution established by God for the benefit of the citizens .Rom 13 :1-7 ; 1p2 :13-14 ; 1tim 2 :1-2.

The second Coming of Jesus and the end of time

We believe in the second coming of Jesus on the earth for the catching up of the church which belongs to Him.for a reign of 1000 years.After the one thousand years, Jesus Christ will Judget the nations. The unbelievers will be destroyed Rev 20 :1-10 ; 1Thess 4 :14-17

Clothes Approprieted to Bishop (Apostle)

A Bishop as Legal Representative of association must have his particular dressing which distinguishes him from other.A crimson shirt. The Adminstrators and reverends wear greyshirts in colour and pastors their testing are commande to wear black shirts.




In accordance with God’s word, the Ultimate chief of the church is Jesus who is head of all the body.To him be the glory and honor because he has been manifested as the chief shepherd Col 1 :18 ; 1P 5 :4.

The Body of directors of ECPR is founded on congregationalist and Episcopal System . Whose power is granted by the board of pasteurs apart from that, the power comes directly from Bishop Legal Representative of organisation (ECPR ) according to the constitution which contains

The Body of directors of ECPR is founded on congregationalist and Episcopal System .Whose power is granted by the board of pasteurs apart from that, the power comes directly from Bishop Legal Representative of organisation (ECPR ) according to the constitution which contains interior regulation : The doctrine, the Life and the liturgy of the ECPR

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